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Zoe Partington - Visual

Zoe is a fantastic trainer in equality and accessibility. After attending a training session a colleague commented 'I feel like my brain has been removed and replaced with a fresh, new way of looking at the world.' Zoe's approach is inclusive, accessible and friendly.


- DASH Arts, 2019

Zoe Partington - Visual

Zoe Partington has been shifting perspectives across the arts for the last 25 years. Recently she has delivered training and consultancy as part of the Wellcome Trust, new ’Being Human’ exhibition - reviewed in the New York Times as the most accessible exhibition. 


Zoe as an individual, or with her team of associates, can provide development training at a variety of levels and durations, consultancy, training and workshops can be tailored to meet the specific needs of individual organisations.


Since 2007 through to the current day, Zoe has been involved in many major projects including preparation for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad; ranging from the Ironbridge Gorge Museums; Imagineer Productions; at the mac exhibition of Vanley Burke, Rivers of Birminin and Godiva Awakes, as part of the 2012 Festival of London. In 2019 she worked in Matera, Italian City of Culture with architects, planners and festival organisers; developing the Arts Council England collection with Firstsite gallery in Colchester as part of a community Curators initiative and many others.


As Director of her own organisation Zoe has given many presentations nationally and internationally.


Zoe has delivered talks and presentations to national and international symposiums; events and conferences. Providing talks on topics such as the history of Disability Arts; UK disabled people’s movement; organisational change from an inclusive perspective and the barriers and solutions to cultural diversity changes.

© 2023 Zoe Partington - Contemporary Visual Artist, Creative Consultant, International Advisor.

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